How long will it take to bring my case to a conclusion?

The duration of your case depends on many variables, including the complexity of the case and how long it takes you to reach Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI). In other words, the last thing our Ft Lauderdale personal injury attorneys want to do is resolve a case while a client is still healing or does not have a good understanding of what their medical condition will be going forward.

A Florida Injury Law Group’s lawyer would never allow a client to sign a release too soon — to avoid the risk of finding out later that more surgery is needed or that future medical costs may be incurred. With that being said, our average negligence case is resolved within 12 months — from the time your Fort Lauderdale accident attorney accepts the case — if litigation is not necessary. Naturally, that time range is subject to fluctuation depending on the facts of the case.

If you have any further questions or if you have been injured in an accident and would like to speak to one of our Fort Lauderdale Attorneys, please call us or contact us here.